WAVES has grown significantly since 2005 in terms of the scope and reach of our work.
We will continue to develop our processes and systems for effectiveness and efficiency. By strengthening how we use creative external communications, we will increase our reach and impact both directly with women and girls and indirectly through our work with the communities, government, supporters, donors, wider partners and stakeholders. And we will work to increase and diversify our funding, so as to provide the long-term financial sustainability.
Continuing to strengthen the organization’s processes and systems for effectiveness and efficiency
As identified by both internal and external stakeholders, WAVES has an admirable profile in Bo north as our work positions us as members of various coalitions, networks advancing the cause of women and girls. WAVES has a good track record, credibility, reputation, transparent and accountable leadership and is recognized nationally and internationally and respected by the communities.
WAVES is legally registered and recognized by government as a national NGO and has adequate office space and staff. The organization has a sound, transparent and open financial management system. Much use is made of participatory decision-making methods. WAVES has a team of dedicated, committed, pro-active and competent staff that are capable of delivering to the expectation of all stakeholders.
WAVES has demonstrated ability to carry out both regional and national advocacy, positioning itself within various networks and coalitions. In addition to the above WAVES also has the capacity to conduct research through community surveys, needs assessments and base line studies and to disaggregate and analyze data from a gender perspective using a combination of gender analysis tools. This capacity to do gender analysis puts WAVES in a position to design and implement both short- and long-term projects in a gender focused way.
Our areas of strength
- Advocacy
- Gender sensitivity
- Networking
- Collective response
- Staffing (quality and committed staff)
- Budgeting
- Reporting – good and timely reporting
- Delivery-implementation of program
- Communication-lobbying
- Policy implementation
- Expertise in gender issues and strong advocacy skills
- Good communication and human relationship
- Strong and committed staff for project implementations
- Strong and competent board member
- Excellent internal control
- Resource mobilization to some extent
- Conducive office space
- Human Resource Capacity to tasks 1 Director and Founder, 1 Program Manager, 6 Project Officers, 1 M&E Officer, 1 Communications Officer, 3 Finance Staff, 2 Volunteers and 1 Office Assistant
- Computers (laptops and desk tops)
- Office furniture
- Internet
- Vehicles and Motor bikes
- Printers and photocopy machines
- Digital camera
- Constitution
- Generator
- Proposal writing Initiative Development
- Proof of legality to operate within the confines of Sierra Leone
- Projector and screen
- Social links (Facebook and WhatsApp)
- Communicating the impact of our work
- A board
- Gender sensitivity of organization (more female staff- 9:7)
- Strategic positioning of institutional Head (Gender/ sex alignment to the thematic/intervention area-Donor favor organizations that are headed by women)
- Strong national and international network (good relationship/coordination with other organizations like RADA etc. and international partners)
- Have policies or codes of conduct in place
- Adaptive tendencies of organization/senior management
- Staff wellness (Director is open and down to staff/ the working environment is stress- free)
- Non-diversification of thematic intervention areas