Past and current partnerships

Since its establishment (2005) to date, WAVES have received support (both financial and technical) from various funding agencies and partners.  Currently WAVES is working with six (7) partners at international and national levels who are currently supporting their SGBV, women’s program, VSLA and Advocacy on issues affecting women and children.

WAVES believe that by working alongside local government, district councils and the appropriate sector and line ministries to improve the lives of women and advocating for reforms in those sectors and line ministries it will foster a strong relationship between government and the communities through WAVES thereby creating an enabling environment for effective advocacy. This approach (working with government sector/line Ministries) will improve the access of women to services in the justice and health sectors. Financial support to workshops and or consultative meetings with like – minded organizations and coordination meetings involving government and local councils will make a big difference in bringing about the desired change in the lives of poor vulnerable women and give legitimacy to the changes we desire.

Increasing the capacity of local councils, gender ministry and the police family support units and ministry of health and local health facilities management team members and health workers and community stakeholders will improve community understanding of the issues affecting women and thereby increase their involvement in the management of health facilities thereby increase access to health services especially SRH services.

WAVES hopes that by engaging parents, teachers, and adolescence students and out of school adolescence and health workers in local PHUs on issues of SRHR this civic awareness strategy will raise communities’ awareness of the importance of SRH services and women’s right to a safe space and how they may lobby local government for improved SRH services and a safe space to live.

 The strategy of economic empowerment which generates income and puts money and other resources in the hands of women through income through Income Generating Activities, this will provide more funds within the house hold and give women the power to make SRHR decisions in the event the husband does not want to support her to access a particular service which she considers important to her SRH wellbeing.

Enhancing the accessibility to quality SRHR services and facilities will lead to a greater impact in improving women’s lives and other vulnerable people in the communities.


  • Equality Now/Comic Relief
  • Medica Mondiale/ Comic Relief/ BMZ
  • Action Medeor
  • AISL
  • GFC
  • FGHR
  • FAHP
  • MGCA
  • MSW
  • FSU (Sierra Leone Police)
  • Judiciary
  • Legal Aid Board
  • Local Council