Our 5 Years Strategy

As an outcome of a strategic planning review workshop and consultations with various stakeholders it was unanimously agreed that WAVES as a woman led organization and based on its strength, past experiences and the current funding environment focus its program work towards the following strategic direction. This section of the strategic document will define WAVES programmatic work for the next five years – 2021 to 2025. It begins with an analysis of a well thought through theory of change diagram and its analysis in relation to how the thematic issue is affecting the lives of the people in the targeted poor communities. the livelihood and poverty issues facing poor communities’ wit were WAVES is currently working as well as the potential new communities. The two thematic areas which have been unanimously agreed to by WAVES and all of its stakeholders are:

  1. Violence Against Women
  2. Sexual and Reproductive health Rights (SRHR)

The next part of this section outlines the intended outcomes and impact on the lives of beneficiaries/project participants followed by the strategies WAVES intend to use to address socio-economic, governance, information, rights and technical constraints facing communities. This section includes an explanation of the rationale for WAVES choosing their particular strategies and how these will contribute to alleviating the constraints faced by poor and marginalized women and girls.

WAVES’ New Strategic Direction

WAVES building on the successes of our years of work with women and adolescence girls, and in response to a growing demand from communities for longer term initiatives to address women issues and other challenges facing women and adolescence girls, WAVES made the strategic decision this year (2020) to make their work more long-term development that will favour women and more focussed on critical issues that affect women and more importantly based on WAVES strength and capacity.

In 2022 WAVES new strategic direction will require the organization to constructively engage its current partners to commit to funding more long-term projects in order to impact target communities more significantly and to be able to monitor change by way of outcomes and impact and to document these changes on a continuous basis. Staff capacity building will be given top priority, monitored and developed especially in the area of project management, monitoring and evaluation including capturing lessons and outcome harvesting. In addition to the above capacity building will also focus on reporting on change i.e. outcomes and capturing on how our projects/programs have change lives in the communities. Resource Mobilisation will also be intensified and improved. Advocacy skills of staff will be significantly improved, as well as cross learning and other formal and hands –on training events.  Consequently, this will lead to improved quality of project design and implementation strategies thereby improving donor confidence in WAVES’ ability to deliver greater impact on women’s issues

Most of the communities with whom WAVES works now have improved awareness on women’s issues and rights and are using better reproductive health practices. At the same time, there is increased community confidence in WAVES’ project implementation as some of their felt needs are being addressed.

In 2020 WAVES made the strategic decision to orientate her work towards a more focussed theme, more inclusive targeting and to a continuous process of staff development and organizational Assessment and development (OA & OD).

To provide the organisational framework and plans to support this new strategic direction WAVES will continue to embarked on periodic organisational and staff performance review and strategic planning process. This culminated in a workshop in Oct/Nov 2020, in which organisation goals and plans were consolidated and finalised. This strategic plan incorporates the outcomes of that workshop, and represents WAVES’ strategic plans for the period 2021 to 2025