Where We Work

Areas of operation

WAVES has been working in the following communities or chiefdoms in Bo District since 2005.  The targeted chiefdoms are: Kakua, Lugbu, Bagbor, Bongor, Selenga, Niawa Lenga, Bagbwe, Wonde, Valunia, and Small Bo, Bo District, Southern Region, Sierra Leone. Most of the work of WAVES has focussed on violence against women; women’s Sexual and reproductive health rights and tackling harmful traditional Practices that affect women adversely. By the end of 2019, WAVES had about four donors who were funding various aspects of women’s right and promoting justice for adolescence and girls all focussed in the aforementioned communities in Bo North, Bo District.  WAVES-SL has made a strategic decision to consolidate its work in those same communities for the next 2 years (2022 & 2024) in Bo North of the Bo District subsequently, WAVES has decided to phase out of its traditional communities in 2023 and scale up to other chiefdoms in Bo District to be determined by the outcome of a survey that will be conducted by WAVES at the beginning of 2003.

These new areas that will be identified will be selected on the basis of women and girls’ issues as it relates to our thematic focal area.

Chiefdoms of operation

  • Kakua Chiefdom
  • Lugbu Chiefdom
  • Bagbor Chiefdom
  • Bongor Chiefdom
  • Selenga Chiefdom
  • Niawa Lenga Chiefdom
  • Bagbwe Chiefdom
  • Wonde Chiefdom
  • Valunia Chiefdom
  • Small Bo – Kenema