What We Do

There is great need in Bo District, especially in the WAVES targeted communities and its surrounding communities. WAVES is well positioned to make a significant contribution to addressing several key issues affecting women and girls.

Within the framework of WAVES approach, we organize our work under the following intervention areas:

  • Sexual and Gender based violence–through awareness raising on gender-based issues including harmful traditional practices (FGM/C, early forced marriage), and sexual reproductive health and right issues.
  • Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
  • Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
  • Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)
  • Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)
  • Women and Girls Empowerment- village saving and loan (VS&L) scheme and small-scale agricultural activities.
  • Education – advocacy and support to girls’ rights to education, Increased community awareness
  • Nutrition and health
  • Governance, Rule of law and Access to justice
  • Women’s Access to right, ownership of property and decision making in the community Peace building and Human Rights (Especially women and children)
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Good Governance – especially women in leadership

We work with women, adolescent girls (in and out of school 10 to 19 years), to address:

    • Teenage pregnancy
    • Early marriage.
    • Female genital mutilation (FGM/C)
    • Menstrual hygiene management.
    • Sexual and Gender based violence against girls.
    • Inclusion of Pregnant Girls in Schools (pregnant girls to school)
    • SRHR
    • Social and economic empowerment of women and girls.

Our Objectives will be achieved through the following actions.:

    • Awareness raising on sexual and gender-based violence issues including harmful traditional practices (FGM/C, early forced marriage, teenage pregnancy) and sexual reproductive health and right issues (SRHR).
    • Education – Advocacy and support to girls on their rights to education.
    • Social empowerment of adolescent girls through the establishment of safe spaces.
    • Economic empowerment of adolescent girls 16 – 19 years of age by using the established safe spaces through skills training in marketable vocational skills and SMEs.
    • Establishment of village savings and loans associations (VSLAs) for caregivers/parents of girls in school so that they can support their children schooling.
    • Awareness raising or advocacy with focus on promoting sex education at community and chiefdom levels through workshops, drama groups or theatres.
    • Building girls movement.
    • Inter school Debate competition on violence against girls (VAG).
    • Radio programs on SGBV.
    • Education on international and national legal instruments.
    • Training/workshops on Comprehensive sexuality education.
    • Field trips to services available in communities.
    • Linking girls to service providers.
    • Inter-generational dialogue session (IGD).
    • Training on message development.
    • Production of information, education and communication materials (IEC) with key messages for girls.
    • Support girls to plan and undertake activities.
    • Provide Counseling services for survivors of violence.
    • Psychosocial support to survivors of violence.
    • Provide girls with mentorship to take lead in community activities.
    • Provision of basic learning materials to more vulnerable girls.

Beneficiaries of WAVES:

The beneficiary groups that WAVES target and works with include:

    • Vulnerable Women & Adolescent girls
    • Communities stakeholders – traditional leaders, parents, school authorities etc
    • In school and out of school Youth, women and girls
    • Children at risk and vulnerable to RAPE/ and ABUSE
    • Parents of children engaged in petty trading
    • Vulnerable women and women’s groups
    • Local Councilors and Ward Committee Representatives
    • Other vulnerable and excluded men and women in the communities
    • Law/ policy Makers
    • Perpetrators
    • Health care Workers
    • Religious leaders – Imams/Pastors
    • Clique/Ghetto boys
    • PLWDs

Our Approach

    • Empower women and girls
    • Engage/Support evidenced based and citizen led advocacy
    • Change social norms
    • Build political will, legal and institutional capacity to prevent and respond to VAWG
    • Advocate for Reform security and justices’ sectors
    • Support national networks, lobbying for change
    • Provide /advocate for comprehensive services
    • VSLA
    • Strengthen social assets and safety nets
    • Secure funding and work with other WRO’s /WLOs delivering services,
    • Support and work with family support units in police and social welfare
    • Promote/Practice good Data management
    • Partnership and collaborative work
    • Engaging influencers (community and religious leaders, teachers, parents and youth) in behavior change communication strategies
    • Capacity building – trainings
    • Creating/strengthening linkages, connections and referral pathways
    • Data collection and management
    • Media engagement
    • Networking, Partnership and collaborative work
    • Advocacy/lobbying for action that will promote women and girls’ SRHR
    • Feedback mechanism
    • Strengthening the FMCs