Our work with relevant partners to create a safe and enabling environment for women and adolescents( especially girls) for societal development is never ceasing. Such is a call that lives on every string and surface of our hearts at WAVES-SL.

Fuelling our passion and courage at a furnace blaze is the interest and support of our advocacy partners especially the local councils and the MDAs.

The second and final day of our learning review of the Local Government Act 2004 sees Elfrida Bockarie, Development & Planning Officer at the Bo District Council, and Martha Idriss Feika of the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs in Bo facilitating critical but very important discussions around the need for gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment into local council’s activities.

Elfrida and Martha are not just great facilitators but originally staunch and unapologetic gender advocates and development professionals by heart and devoted change-makers in the gender empowerment space of our population.

It brings us an exceeding glory to have such like-minds as they contribute to gender equity and the work we do with capacity building.

We like to extend our biggest gratitude to our partners for embarking on this journey of “change” with us.
Let’s learn, unlearn, relearn and make an impact together for a safe and enabling environment for women and adolescents( especially girls) !

But, these questions remain and our participants are very much interested to add their two cents to it:

Why the need for gender equality? and How do we mainstream gender into local council’s activities ?

The fascinating, participatory and enlightening discussion continues….

We’ll be back for updates from the two-day learning session.

@follown us via website; waves.sl, facebook; WAVES Sierra Leone and twitter; @slwaves1.