Bo, Thursday 21 March 2024 , The Women Against Violence and Exploitation in Society (WAVES) Sierra Leone is recognized as the best women’s NGO in Bo, Southern Sierra Leone for its outstanding advocacy work advancing the rights, freedom and justice for women and girls. The organization received a Certificate of Merit from Conscious Times Media Sierra Leone on Thursday, March 21, 2024.

While presenting the certificate to WAVES Founder and Director Hannah Yambasu at the organization’s office in Bo, a representative from Conscious Times Media congratulated WAVES and expressed hope for their continued impactful work.

Upon accepting the award, Madam Yambasu thanked Conscious Times Media for recognizing WAVES’ efforts. She dedicated the honor to the women and adolescent girls in the rural communities WAVES serves, crediting them as the driving force behind the organization’s community-led initiatives to create safe and enabling environment.

” The women in our rural communities are the ones that have not been noticed. People hear about them but they’re not interacting with them ,” Madam Yambasu stated. ” But for us at WAVES, these community women are leading our work; we only guide the process. I’m dedicating this award to them for their great work .”

She added that when WAVES returns to the communities, they will share the Certificate of Merit to let the local women know their grassroots activism and commitments to change is being recognized and appreciated.

Founded in 2005, WAVES Sierra Leone is a non-governmental organization working to protect the rights of women and girls; empowers adolescent girls to speak out against sexual and gender-based violence, and to advocate for their sexual and reproductive health rights, while engaging adults in the community to adopt more supportive attitudes and practices. The organization also advocates for policy changes that benefit women and children, especially adolescent girls.