So far, so good!!
Yes, one of our girls(mentees)brought us a pleasant and encouraging news- smile

Janet M. Blackie, age 16, is a teenage mother who became pregnant and was able to attend school and sit for the National Primary School’s Examination( a transition exams from Primary School to Secondary education) at Nengbema, Niawa Lenga Chiefdom, Bo District.
Guess what!
She passed her examination with an aggregate T.score of 264.
We are super proud and grateful to share this news with you.
Despite the challenges and stigma she faced when pregnant yet she was resilient and determined to pull through the odds.
*Why is WAVES excited about this news?*
It is because, until March 2020, her circumstance would have meant leaving school and very possibly being forced into marriage.
Janet is celebrating her results and transition to secondary education today because our tenacious and courageous Director, Hannah Yambasu, plus other like-minded partners advocated and ensured in the year 2020 Sierra Leone overturned a ban on pregnant girls and young mothers attending school after the ECOWAS court of Justice ruled that it was
‘discriminatory’ and violated a child’s right to an education.
We pledge our unceasing commitment and service to creating a safe and enabling environment for women and adolescents( especially girls).
Education remains the lone investment that is not perishable. The best gift a parent can give his/her child is not the latest iPhone, or the newest recreational center but the opportunity to have them educated.
Thanks to our partners and funders, who trust in us and the work we do with girl child education and women’s empowerment.
#Girl-child education
#Building Adolescents’ Agency
#Protecting girls from early marriage and FGM/C
#Moral, Social, Physical and Intellectual well-being