WAVES-SL Holds End-Of-Year Staff Retreat
As a way to promote staff bonding, reflect on yearly work and generate new ideas for the coming year. Women
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As a way to promote staff bonding, reflect on yearly work and generate new ideas for the coming year. Women
Our work with relevant partners to create a safe and enabling environment for women and adolescents( especially girls) for societal
INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY 2022: WAVES-SL and Civil Peace Service Network Ahead of the celebration of International Peace Day (IPD) 2022,
This year marks 20 years after the end of the Sierra Leonen civil war: 20 years of peace. On January
So far, so good!! #WAVES-SL is #thrilled ! Yes, one of our girls(mentees)brought us a pleasant and encouraging news- smile
As an organization that promotes comprehensive sexuality education(CSE) in the communities ( safe space for girls) and collaborates with the
4 Amara Street, Shellmingo
Bo City, Sierra Leone