For WAVES March 8 is the International Day of Feminist struggle! Yes, a struggle for equality and justice!
On March8, every year, attention is drawn worldwide to women’s rights, gender equality and existing discrimination. On this year’s International Women’s Day, WAVES Sierra Leone and partners took their demands to the public through a match-pass on the principal streets of Bo to the Methodist Youths Resource Centre Hall for a stakeholders engagement on the theme: *DigitALL: innovation and Technology for Gender Equality* thus ensuring a safe and enabling environment for women.

Women are still disadvantaged worldwide – in some cases massively. Women and girls are usually far more affected by poverty, hunger and inadequate health care than men and boys. Even in countries where women have equal rights under the law, they are often disadvantaged and discriminated.
“It is time we change the narrative around gender equality: ”What women can do, men can do and what men can do, women can do”. We can only achieve DigitALL: innovation and Technology for Gender Equality when boys and girls, men and women change the way they perceive one another and work as a team; as well as are adequately educated on Technology and Innovation .” (Hannah Yambasu, WAVES Director)
_WAVES fight for a society that rejects violence and discrimination but embraces equality_ (Alusine Rogers, WAVES-SL Communications Officer).
Undoubtedly, advancing digital technology offer great opportunities to address development challenges, and to achieve the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals.

WAVES won’t stop until there’s zero violence against women. Until women and girls are enlightened on embracing digitalization!
One commonality by almost all participants that made statements and presentations at the celebration of #IWD in Bo was the clarion call for inclusiveness of more women in to the governance system and political sphere adding that gender-responsive approach to innovation, technology and digital education increase the awareness of women and girls regarding their rights and civic engagement.