Gender Equality and Social Inclusion - Sensitivity in Programing

WAVES is committed to work in gender sensitive way at all levels: organizational level; programing (Design level) and Community level as follows:

  1. organization    (e.g. gender policy, staff recruitment, codes of conduct and observing the key guiding principles of GESI is internal decision-making processes etc.), (e.g. gender sensitive structures and system)
  2. programming (e.g. design of program with gender focused indicators. Community meetings, surveys/assessments will all be conducted applying the GESI principles thereby ensuring 3that no one is left out)

(e.g. implementation of programs including use of key tools and approaches, in a gender sensitive way that challenges norms)

  1. work with communities (e.g. gender awareness to group formation and functioning)

(e.g. inclusion of physically challenged women, youth and other vulnerable community members that are easily overlooked in decision making structures)

WAVES has developed staff capacity in gender, GESI & PVCA but will further reinforce learning through hands- on practical refresher and other key outstanding issues not yet accomplished in GESI will require external support and expertise.