Our Core Values are: As an organization, WAVES shall strive, as best as possible, to remain committed to the under mentioned organizational core values:

  • Stewardship/Honesty: In WAVES, whatever resources we acquire will be for the expressed purpose of promoting the violated and vulnerable women and girls in our operational communities. Thus, we are stewards to those we serve.
  • INCLUSION: We create spaces and places where people especially women and girls from all backgrounds feel engaged and supported. We believe that inclusion exists when we accept, respect and value differences.
  • INTEGRITY: We act with honesty and authenticity in all we do. We embody the practices that we promote.

  • EFFECTIVENESS: With our partners, clients and other stakeholders we design clear and definitive goals. We achieve those goals in efficient demonstrable ways.

  • RELEVANCE: We seek current and relatable information that is worth sharing. We sustain dialogue with communities across the nation to keep our work grounded and visionary.

  • OPENNESS: We demonstrate accountability, transparency, clarity and honesty. We welcome inquiries, ideas and feedback to ensure inclusive excellence. Respect for Human Dignity, Education, empowerment & Livelihood for women, girl children, Adolescent Girls, Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights, Transparency & Accountability, Protection of the right of Women and girl Children.