Women Against Violence and Exploitation in Society Sierra Leone (WAVES-SL), a Bo-based NGO in Southern Sierra Leone has in collaboration with AGIAMONDO/CPS, Forum Against Harmful Practices (FAHP) and the Global Fund for Children (GFC) commemorated the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting on the theme for 2023: “Partnering with men and boys to transform social and gender norms to end FGM”. The International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM is a United Nations campaign held every year on February 6 to stop the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on girls and women. This commemoration is part of a combined effort by the UN to meet one of its Sustainable Development Goals — Goal 5. This goal aims at achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls, with a key target that aims to eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and FGM.
The commemoration was observed simultaneously at Sahn in Niawalenga Chiefdom, Bo District, Waterloo in the Western Area and a virtual engagement with GFC and partners.
Staff of WAVES-SL spoke at the different locations.
The Programme Manager of WAVES-SL, Momoh Lukullay, led the team in Sahn while the Director of WAVES, Hannah Yambasu, was invited to share her experience virtual on the strategies her organization uses to campaign to end FGM at a learning. Global Fund for Children (GFC) hosted the virtual meeting.
Madam Hannah Yambasu disclosed how WAVES-SL is working with the various segments in her operational area. She informed she works with communities, adolescents through advocacy, as well as coordinating with other actors. She noted her organization adopts culturally- friendly programmes and approaches through engagements, education, and empowerment activities. She highlighted some of the key programmes she undertakes with her team in the campaign for the people to totally abandon FGM practice. Madam Yambasu further informed WAVES-SL creates safe spaces in schools and support girls to continue their education through provision of learning materials, increased advocacy and lobbying with policy makers, community decision-makers and key influencers. She also said WAVES-SL builds girls and boys agency to make informed decisions to enable them stand for their rights as well as build their capacity to run peer-to-peer advocacy campaigns to abandon FGM among other approaches.
In Sahn, the Programme Manager of WAVES-SL emphasized the need for strategic alliance and collaboration among local authorities and the Ministries of Gender & Children’s Affairs, Social Welfare, Basic and Senior Secondary Education and the Family Support Unit of the Police. The representatives from the above institutions called on parents and community leaders in the Chiefdom to prioritize the education of their children especially girls over traditions like FGM and child marriage. School Quality Assurance Officer, Bo District, Albert Moigboi, a representative from FSU, Sahr Jusu, another from Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Bo, Selassie Massaquoi called for a shift in mindset for a brighter and better future of girls. Their engagement also focused on unearthing the negative effects of FGM on the well-being, education and socio-economic life of women and girls. The Principal of Nyawa Lenga Junior Secondary School, Moses Blackie, stressed, “Bondo will not bring development to this community, invest in the girl child education to usher developments in this chiefdom.” The officials of the Ministries and partners also pledged on behalf of their bosses to ensure empowerment of the girl child and commended WAVES-SL for such engagements. Chief of Nengbema Community, pledged on behalf of his fellow chiefs in the chiefdom to join WAVES-SL to continuously raise awareness on the effects of FGM on women and girls and to ensure that girls are protected from being subjected to the said practice. The children present lauded WAVES-SL for the outreach and implored their parents to allow them harness the fruits of education for the betterment and growth of their communities.
In Waterloo, M&E and Project Officer of WAVES-SL, Christian and Laura, joined FAHP to observe the day by organizing a community forum to raise concerns about the issue surrounding FGM. They commended the men, boys and partners for showing up for the program thereby supporting the campaign to END FGM. They also commended the people for their trust in them and support towards advocacy to end FGM. Laura and Christian shared an eye-opening thought on the topic of discussion. The activities of the day were supported by action medeor/GFFO and Global Fund for Children ( GFC) and CPS/AGIAMONDO.
The practice of female genital mutilation is rooted in gender inequality and power imbalances between men and women – and it sustains them by limiting opportunities for girls and women to realize their rights and full potential in terms of health, education, income, and equality. WAVES-SL demands: STOP FGM!